Capitol Tech Celebrates Engineers Week 2021

February 23, 2021

By Dr. Coray Davis, Chair and Professor of Engineering

Engineers Week is a time to recognize the individuals who create today’s make an impact in the field of engineering. Engineer’s Week was founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) in 1951 and runs from February 21st through February 27th. The week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce with emphasis on increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. DiscoverE, is the primary organization sponsoring Engineers Week, and shares the goals of making this week a success through:

  • Celebrating how engineers make a difference in our world,
  • Increasing public dialogue about the need for engineers, and
  • Bringing engineering to life for kids, educators, and parents

The numerous organizations that cultivate the Engineers Week partnership is expansive; with more than 100 societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies, all sharing in the responsibility to promote holistic success in Engineering. Capitol Technology University is proud to engage in this experience. Our great faculty and staff are dedicated to ensuring the success of our engineering students. All of our engineering students pursuing engineering degrees have a goal completing their degree requirements and landing a great opportunity to start their careers. Students come to Capitol with goals of being successful in the engineering curriculum, to increase their engineering knowledge, to gain novel experience in industry, engage in hands-on engineering experience, and to pursue applied research. This experience challenges the engineering design process, only to return a product ready to make a difference within the world. Especially, in today’s society, where teaching pedagogy has been pushed to its limits. 2020 has challenged each of us to think, act, and do better. In addition, we are also being challenged to realize what the classroom of the future will embody. This is certainly a reminder that “Engineering has to move with the times” as well. Let’s continue to be dedicated to our profession and drive the desire do, think, act, and INNOVATE.

At Capitol, we are committed to inspiring and informing present and future generations towards realizing the importance of engineering. Our team stands ready to inspire the “Engineer of the Future”.

To all of the teachers, mentors, and practitioners that have poured into my success, I would like to say thank you. In true engineering fashion, I have taken time to understand and appreciate your model, perform some research, establish a methodology, and design the model to fit a great need. The results continue to yield student success, over and over again.

There’s nothing like relationships and having the support you need to be successful. I encourage all of our students to reach out to those that lit the spark for you to pursue engineering. Feel free to share a photo on social media (#Eweek2021, @Captechu), post a message with your society (SWE, NSBE, Robotics, etc), nominate a colleague for an award, volunteer, display project posters, and share inspiring stories that have impacted your journey in engineering.

Happy Engineers Week!